兵庫教育大学学校教育研究センター 成田 滋 11/29/97更新
参考書[英語で教育研究論文をどう書くか 成田 滋著 文教資料協会発行, 1989年]
Japanese women have changed since the war. They have become prettier, brighter, more decisive, more outsopken. The young people certainly are far more logical and far less sentimentalthan the prewar generations. Some regret this. They think women, in gaining their freedom, have lost their femininity--their modesty, their warmth, their shy grace. They accuse women of being drawn to superficial things. A modern Japanese woman, they say, instead of trying to enrich her inner self, is in a mad scramble to ape anything that is new and foreign--fashions, cosmetics, hairdos, rock-and-roll. And there are many Japanese who say that a caricature of an up-to-date wife is one who sits beside a washing machine in a house that has no hot running water. |
この例文は、戦後の日本女性がいかに変容したかをきびきびした文章で表現している。最初の文章は、Topic Sentence、つまり主題となる文章である。これで読者にもっと先を読みたくなるような気分にさせてくれる。続いての文章は、prettier, brigher, decisive, outspokenというような並行表現を用いて女性の変容を強調している。
ここまでは、比較的長い文章を使ってきたので、著者は「Some regret this. 」という短文を使い、長文を読む読者の疲れをとるような配慮をして心憎い。 長文と短文の使い分けは、大事な修辞法の一つである。女性らしら-femininity-とは奥ゆかしさ、心の暖かさ、恥じらいの気品であるとしながら、それに拮抗する-foreign-を引用し、ファッション、化粧、髪型、ロックなどと対照させている。最後の文章は、比喩を使い女性の変化を風刺するような笑いをそそる表記を使っている。
This study was aimed at investigating the characteristics of the sleep-waking rhythm and the relationship between movement and stable sleep-waking rhythm. The subjects in this study were 48 male and 37 female with physical disabilities, ranging in age from 6 to 20 years. Of the 85 subjects, 55 (64.7%) had cerebral palsy. (略) Vestibular stimulation along with muscular sensory stimulation was tried on the subjects who had exhibited polyphasic sleep in order to investigate the causal relation between the sleep-waking rhythm and movement. The experiment indicated the effectiveness of movement for improving the sleep-waking rhythm of children and youths with physical disabilities. |
As part of a study on the significance of various language media in the social activities of persons with hearing impairments, the selective use of language media for communicating and the usefulness of sign interpreters in different circumstances were investigated. The data were collected from a survey conducted in 1991 by mailing questionnaires to persons with severe hearing impairments living in Tokyo and its neighboring prefectures. Responses were received from 1,700 males and females, between the ages of 20 to 70. Responses to the items regarding the use of oral and manual methods and conversation by writing were analyzed with regard to their efflciency in different circumstances. The following results were obtained: Use of language media and their efficiency differed significantly depending on the circumstances for the use of ianguage in daily life, such as for travel, at municipal or police offices and hospitais, at the entrance and graduation ceremonies of their children, at meetings of Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA), or for understanding announcements at railway stations or in buses and trains; assistance from sign interpreters and accompanying persons was useful in some circumstances. |
Kamikubo, E., Hiki, S., & Fukuda, Y. , 1997. Selective Use of Language Media by Persons with Hearning Impairments for Communicating in Different Circumstances: Usefulness of Oral and Manual Methods, Coversation by Writing, and Sign Interpreters, Japanese Journal of Special Education, 34(4), 11-18.
The purpose of the present study was to develop an intervention program to establish eye pointing as a choice behavior in children with cerebral palsy whose expressive behaviors were limited, and then to examine the effectiveness of this intervention program. The program has three features: (a) it makes use of eye movements so that it can be utilized by children with extremely limited expressive behavior, so long as they can move their eyeballs voluntarily; (b) the situation used in the program was designed to be simple, so that children who are in an early stage of communication development can use the targeted choice behavior to get a toy; and (c) the program's procedure is simple and clear, so that it can be put into practice easily. Three children with cerebral palsy who were in different stages of communication development went through Stages l, 2, and 3 of the program. The result of this intervention procedure was that eye pointing was successfully established as a choice behavior. Therefore, this program is effective in establishing eye pointing as a choice behavior in children with cerebral palsy who have limited expressive behavior. |
Suzuki, Y. & Fujita, K. (1997). Formation of Choice Behavior by Eye Pointing in Children with Cerebral Palsy with Limited Expressive Means. Japanese Journal of Special Education, 34(4), 1-10.
この抄録は、表記の仕方が間接的な表現のために内容が弱められているという致命的な欠点がある。それ故、研究自体もさほどインパクトがある内容のものとは感じられない。so long as, so that it can be, makes use of, it can be utilizedなどなど受験英語の古めかしい慣用句を使っているのでなおさらその感を強くする。文章が長い割に、なぜ指導方法が有効であったかの理由が説明されていない。
The present study was designed to estimate the number of children who would be able to use voice output communication aids (VOCA) in two special schools. 163 children (98 males and 65 females) with intellectual disabilities and/or autistic tendencies in two special schools in Japan participated in this research. First, a screening test was conducted, and 107 children (65 males and 42 females) who had speech problems were selected. They were tested on 3 tasks: Picture Vocabulary Test, verbal expression ability test, and command play using VOCA. The results were as follows: (l) 21 chi]dren had poor speech ability but good comprehension, and would be able to use VOCA in practical communication; (2) 4 children could not use VOCA appropriately, but enjoyed using it as a toy; (3) children who could use VOCA appropriately had high scores on a Picture Vocabulary Test. |
Nakamura, K.(1997). Use of VOCA in Children with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autistic Tendencies: Ovservations of VOCA Pay Settings and Speech Abilities in Two Special School, Japanese Journal of Special Education, 35(2), 33-41.
抄録は適度な長さで、読者に研究内容が伝わってくる。いくつかの改善点を述べる。まず、冒頭の文章は研究目的を記しているようだが、estimate(推測する)という不確かな表記を用いるの適切でない。強いて使うならば"locate", "identify", "verify"などをすべきである。続いての文章では"Hundred sixty-three children"とすべきである。文頭は数字で書き始めてはならない。次に、"First"という書き出しは、後の部分でsecond, thirdという対がなければならないのにこの部分が続いて出てこない。修辞法を勉強すべきである。
The result obtained by Brown et al. (1977), emphasizing that younger subjects could recall idea units of a story in terms of its importance while failing to rate them, was investigated. In experiment I, though the number of idea units and levels was fewer than in Brown's experiment, our younger subjects failed to rate them correctly. Therefore, such results suggest that the cause of this phenomenon is not relevant to the procedural problem. In experiment II, a simulation of the cognitive process likely to be necessary for the performance of the rating task, from an analytical point of view in a structured Japanese cognitive frame, "Ki-Sho-Ten-Ketsu", was given to younger subjects to assist them in monitoring explicitly. Such training improved the rating indicating that the cause of their rating failure was likely to have been a lack of knowledge of the metacognitive system (inability to monitor their own cognitive process). |
まず最初の文章が大変読みにくく、この著者はなにを読者に言わんとしているかがわからない。最初の文章は最も重要なメッセージを含まねばならない、という一般原則を守っていない。この例文では、topic sentenceを探すのに骨が折れる。冒頭の文章を良く見ていただきたい。主部とそれに係わる部分(従属節)が巨大で述部は、まるでつけ足しのように最後尾にある。この種の頭でっかちな文章は、最悪の部類に属するといっても過言ではない。
続いての文章では、著者らが用いていると思われる被験者が登場するが、これを"our younger subject"と呼んでいる。著者の所有物であるかのような印象を与える"our”の使い方、0才児なのか15才の生徒なのかが全くわからない"younger"の使い方、被験者は女か男かもわからないような叙述は慎むべきである。実験Iとはどのような設定なのかの記述も全く見当たらない。
"In experiment I, though the number"という文章であるが、このように従属節を主文の前に置くのは日本文をそのまま訳したようで読みにくい。英語では、多くの場合それは通用しない。従属節を主文の前に置いてこれを強調することはあるが、この実験ではそのような必然性はない。従って,"though"以下の文は、主文の後に置くべきである。
第三番目の文章も断罪に値いするような文章である。"Therefore" などと気負う必要はなく、単に、In the experiment I と書き出すのが、よっぼどすっきりしている。"therefore"という接続詞(transition)は、文章の前後の論理的関係を明確にする際に使うべきもので、この例文では、こうした状況は全くない。この"transition"の使い方は英文を書くうえでの最も重要な技法の一つである。
This study was designed to examine the result found in Brown et al.'s(1977) study which emphasized the metacognitive knowledge in reading comprehension. Subjects were 15 third graders in an elementary school and 15 college students. Two experiments were conducted to assess the role of metacognitive knowledge, using a structured Japanese cognitive frame called "Ki-Sho-Ten-Ketsu." In the first experiment, subjects were asked to rate the degree of importance of the assigned topic units. In the second experiment, a simulation of the cognitive process in the rating task was assessed. It was suggested that the acquisition of metacognitive strategies facilitates children's and college students' mernory and retrieval of knowledge in reading comprehension. |