What is Mac Education Society?

 Ms Shizuka Suzuki


 Teacher-made CD-ROM '95

 New Teacher-made CD-ROM '96


What is Mac Education Society?

I am very keen to contact professionals and parents of handicapped children with cognitive problems in language, communication, vocation, or in other subject matters. I am president of Macintosh Education Society(MES) besides teaching at Hyogo University of Teacher Education near the cities of Kobe and Osaka, Japan. This is a non-profit making organization that has been established for seven years now whose mission is the enhencement of life and opportunities of children and young adults with learning problems extensively using Macintosh computers. MES aims to encourage the exchange of ideas and information and cooperation of the different disciplines working with this population. MES is also helping parents who need further support in educating their children with learning problems. A number of parents are participating as active members. We have special education teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation engineers, university professors and many others in our membership. We sponsor monthly meetings, publish monthly newsletters both in print and digitized text, workshop and demonstrations, retreat and lectures and more. We have a booth at Macintosh World Exposition in Tokyo every year by providing information on educational software, alternative and augmentative communication devices. We have produced a CD-ROM which contains teacher-made educational software in order to encourage school teachers, administrators, parents other disciplines and parents to use technology to empower children's potentials. We assess a number of educational software and peripherals for children with cognitive problems who need better opportunities in learning. If you need more information about Macintosh Education Soceity and its activities, please feel free to write. I should be more that happy to respond. Shibo Narita, Ph.D. President

Mac Education Society
    Center for School Education Research
    Hyogo University of Teacher Education
    2007 Yamakuni, Yashiro-cho, 
    Hyogo-ken 673-14 JAPAN
    81-795-40-2205 phone
    81-795-40-2203 fax

  • Japanese Home Page

    For more information write to: naritas@ceser.hyogo-u.ac.jp